Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Johari and Nohari

I don't think my "quiz thing" has attracted a lot of interest. Therefore, I am making a separate post and repost the link the the Johari Window. In addition, I am posting a link to my Nohari Window. In case you unfamilar with these terms (like I was, up until just a while ago) Johari is a collection of positive personality traits and Nohari is a collection of negative personality traits. Please be honest. If you can't be honest, don't bother doing it. Thank you.

Johari Window Link (positive personality traits)


Nohari Window Link (negative personality traits)


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

STRESS! and Quiz thing

I just got done with back to back Calc II and Physics exams. In case you don't know, these are my hardest classes, and the exams always come back to back. I've come to a deciosion. Unless I do better on both exams (compared to the previous exam) I am going to drop the class with the lowest exam grade. I'm not very optimistic about the scores either and I'm not sure which I screwed up more... all that's left now is to wait. The only upside to this is that when/if I drop a class, it won't effect my GPA and I'll still be a full time student (that way I can keep my scholarships). Oh, and then I can concentrate on one hard class and do better.

Today in general has just sucked. On the upside, D-dog comes home earlier on Wednesdays and we're going to Sess's for dinner. (It'll be the first time for me to see her new place) I hope I get to see Na`na` too...

Oh, I saw this quiz thingy on Cora's blog so I thought I'd have a go at it. Maybe we can both learn something from it. It's about what I think of me and what you think of me. Enjoy.


Friday, February 17, 2006

V-day and Rusty

V-day was a blast... well, actually it was the ides of February to be exact, but whose cares? D-dog wrote out about 10 poems and hid them all around the house. Each poem was a riddle that I had to solve to get to next. And each poem was in a plastic heart with something like "I love you" or "Sweetheart" on it. And there were little gifts next to some of the clues. All together I got some 100 Grand fun size bars, 9 packs of gums, fake/real looking roses (there won't die on me!), a card, and an extra dark Hersey's chocolate bar. Plus, he took me out to eat. We went to Thai 9 at first, but they're closed from 2:30 to 5 for some unknown reason, so we grabbed some chicken from KFC. Hehe. I have the sweetest boyfriend.

Yesterday wasn't so much fun. I went through the day, and had two exams, thinking in the back of my head that Rusty (my German Shepard) was going to be put to sleep. I got home soon enough so that I could go to the vet with my dad and D-dog ended showing up at the last minute. As it turns out, Rusty has really bad allergies, which a causing a bad ear infection and skin problems. So now he's on two antibiotics and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Okay, g2g. Exam and homework... you know how it is....

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Grr... what is it already!!!

D-dog has this V-day surprise for me.... the only problem was that Mimi, Papa, and Dad all got home early yesterday, so now I have to wait til later today to find out what he's ploting. I hate not knowing what he's up to, but even more, I hate the delay. Grr. Anyways, more on this later.

*sigh* Currently I'm typing up my Exam paper from philosophy. 2-3 pg on the meaning of life by critiquing Nagel's and Socrate's point of view and including my own and 1-2 on Tronto's political theory. And I have a Chem exam tomorrow... *sigh* Back to work.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sick and and Tired....

of being sick and tired... (Sick and tired= ugh... don't make me go into all... that's just TMI for ya'll)

I went to bed sick, woke up sick, crawled to physics class sick (I was so slow that I was a couple minutes late), took a nap in the commuter lounge sick, forced myself to eat while sick, and now typing while sick... well, that's my day so far. I have going to Calc and lab while sick to look forward too and getting broken by the chrio while sick too. Then its homework and random crap while sick. I haven't felt right since 2005, I'm sick and tired of this sick shit.

Okay, I'm done bitching.... about being sick anyways. D-Dog has jury duty today. I hope that he doesn't get caught in the justice net and forced to serve for months... It makes me glad that I never got around to registering to vote. *sips dew and prays for the end of the school day*

Thank you D-Dog for putting up with me. I've been a bitch lately. I don't mean too, I feel like shit. And ty for the foot and neck rubs too! >^.^< Best of luck to you and getting out jury duty.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Flashdrive Found!

Yay! I'm so happy. Today has actually been a good day... with the exception of the usual 8AM Physics class. When I checked my e-mail today, I had a message from UD saying that a flashdrive had been found back in January and their investigation led them to believe that it was mine. Hehe. So I went across compass... WAY across compass... To pick it up. It still works fine. The only difference is that part of the loop connector thingy has broken off... which is probably how I lost it in the first place. Anyways... Yahoo isn't cooperating today. Grr. Oh well...

Um... Update... I'm still sick. My nose is drippy and I feel like crap. (Partially from being sick... Partially from having a screwed up neck... partially from lack of sleep) *yawn and sniffs* Trig sub still sucks. I just don't get it. Imagine your worst math experience ever... then multiply it by like a goggle goplex.... yah... that's trig substitution...

Well, I better go. Lots of school crap to do... not to mention work tonight. *sigh*

Friday, February 03, 2006

Uncle Orson Revews Everything

Well, I was surfing the web for a bit today and ended up on a website I haven't been to for a couple months. www.hatrack.com So I went and checked on Orson's recent essays and found a good one from late last year. It's about how we need to exercise caution with modern medicine. I liked it, maybe you will to.



I love Katamari Damacy... I'm so glad that I'm not alone. >^.^<
Below is an excert from Orson's Yours, Mine, and Aeon Flux; Videogames posted at hatrack.com

Another game I saw recently is called Katamari Damacy (Playstation), which has taken Japan by storm. When I describe it, it will sound so weird you'll wonder how it could be fun. But I promise, it is.

It reminds me of nothing so much as a great scene from Robert Stoddard's classic musical Giraffe Story, in which one of the characters says, "I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed that somebody had cut me into little pieces, and I had to go around and pick them all up."

That's Katamari. What you do is you move through the world rolling things into an ever-larger ball. You start with little things -- scraps of paper, clips, pens. They simply stick to your katamari ball as you roll over them. You bounce off anything too big to pick up. But as the ball gets bigger, you can pick up bigger things. So if you move through a school, for instance, you start with scraps but end up rolling over (and picking up) desks, chairs, students.

The designer of Katamari, Keita Takahashi, made the game as a kind of parody of or rebellion against videogames. It feels far more like play than most videogames. Videogames, after all, are about solving the problems the designer has laid out for you. Essentially, the game trains you. And while Katamari has a bit of that, too, it mostly consists of garbage strewn about and it's your job to pick it all up.

It really is like a kind of nightmare -- only you're the monster.