Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Truth isn't just black and white....

it is a myraid of shades of grey.....

I've just been pondering what I've been reading in everyone's blogs... truth is... I don't know anymore. What is just to one is cowardice to another. What is fact to one is a lie to another. It's impossible to know anything for sure b/c no one has all the facts. Even if I had all the facts, and I can't be for sure that I would interpret them behind a viel of ignorance.

Update: I've been sick for over a week. Symptons: sore thoat, coughing, drowning in my own nasal discharge, tired, more coughing, headaches (probably from my neck though...)

On a lighter note, I sent out 4 copies of my NASA application yesterday to Cleveland for the NASA internship. I had to send it overnight express since UD's computer system was down last week and my transcipt request was late going through as a result. Wish me luck. >^.^<

My grades suck so far this semester.... C on my first Math exam, B- on my first Chemisty exam, and I'm still waiting for the results for my Physics exam. The sad thing is that I actually studied. -_- OH, and btw, I DON"T CARE WHAT COUNTS AS A GOOD GRADE FOR YOU. I worked my ass off studying, and didn't meet my own expectations, that the point. Also, it I don't keep my GPA about a 3.5, I lose money for college... meaning no more UD. So I don't want to hear it, okay?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

*shakes head* -_-

I don't know what to say. I read everyone's blogs, but it has come to a point that on many I feel that I can't comment for fear of starting another uneeded arguement. So I don't say anything. I can't even hardly offer comfort to anyone for fear of being accused of taking sides. I don't know the full story, but it seems to me that many of ya'll are jumping at one another worse than starving wolves at a roast. But whatever... it's your freedom of speech. Use it as you will. I have nothing more to say on the subject.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Yay! One extra hour of sleep a week!

So, I was driving to school yesterday. I glanced at 75, it looked okay, and a got. Right after that, all I saw was red.... red brake lights. 103.9 X then announced that 75 was backed up (no shit.... was all I could think) So, I listened to Sess's Disturbed CD and crawled along to school. I arrived at the school 2 min. before 8AM. (My physics class STARTS at 8), parking, and ran to class. I arrived at the classroom at 8:05AM and looked around, bewildered. The lights were on, but nobody was there. The wasn't a sign saying that class was moved/canceled/or anything. So a slowly walked to the lounge (fyi: the lounge=the commuter lounge in KU). After searching for my class schedule on the net, I found out that I had misread my schedule. As it turns out, I don't have Physics on Tuesday! >^.^< Yay, more sleep for me. I wish I didn't I Physics on Mon or Fri though.... b/c then I wouldn't have class til noon. As it turns out, I have Chem at 9, so it's only an hour of extra sleep, but it's better than nothing.

Schlorships.... internships.... I'm looking for both. Feel free to help if you have any info. about either. I looking into interning at Wright Patt or in Cleveland w/ NASA. Those are the only two I have concrete info about. Hehe... I can't wait to leave my job... and it's not just about the money (although the avgerage pay is $14 per hour), the management sucks and now that the Christmas season is over, it isn't worth the money.

DDR!!!! >^.^< Since I have a 3 hour break three days a week at school I have had plenty of time to improve my DDR skills. Yesterday, I beat A on heavy (3rd time ever) and I have been working on double. 4 light is where I'm comfortable at, but I always play a standard 5 or 6 at my last song. Today I beat a 6 standard... but I can't remember which one now. Oh, btw, Freckles is a lot of fun on light for anyone doing doubles.

*takes drink of Dew* Mmmm.... the elixer of life.... and my lunch. At least my last class ends at 1 today instead of 7.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year 2006

Yay. Happy New Years all! Have you made your new year's resolution yet? I haven't. I have a rough draft in my brain but nothing down on paper. I plan to type it out later if I ever finalize it. So... how did all of you fair yesterday? Nate and I went over to Steven's and watched lots of .Hack// and I even started playing the game... I played it for over an hour and I'm still at level one! There is so much crap to read and tutorial stuff to bear... but alas... it is an RPG game after all and each one is different. I was sick as hell yesterday before work. (Yes... Nate and I worked on New Year's Eve...lucky us...-_-) I payed homage to the porselain god and some other unmentionable things. I was better at work, but still weak and sick feeling. I managed to get through it. *listens to family bickering* *sigh* Some things never change... New Year's Eve for me was the most relaxing one I ever had. No family bickering. Just movies, games, and fun. Hehe. *smells* mmm... Dad and Mimi are making pork and sour craut. (It's tradition. We eat it every first of the year.) *see Papa try and get something out of the soda machine, but it was out. He stalks off and offer to help him, but he's too stubborn* grr... my family can be so irritatind. Anyways, I'm going to go check on Nate (he's sick... but it's not the exact same thing that I had) and help set up for dinner. Later all. (Get better soon Nate! >^.^< )