Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween!!!!!!!!! Boo!

Hehe. I stay up past midnight last night sewing fur onto two sets of ears. One sets of fox ears for my foxy boyfriend and one set of wolf ears for me. (I ended up stabbing myself several time b/c I was getting really tired by the time I was working on my own ears.) They go perfectly with our tails that we got from the renisance festival. *looks around* I have seen only one other person at this school that is dressed up (Souha, she's a cat) I found out that they had their halloween party on Saturday. Still, IT"S HALLOWEEN TODAY. *shakes head* I just don't get some people. Hehe, I can't wait till later tonight when Pixy and I go out trick or treating. (We're escort the little ones, so don't look at me werid. The parents are bound to give us sympathy candy.)

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Okay, so yesterday, I participated in the Fast-a-thon. I've never fasted before, and it wasn't easy. (FYI: fasting means no food or water from sunrise to sunset.) I had to get up before 6:45AM so that I could eat something. Then, I had school and after that I had work. I was allowed to eat after 6:45PM, but that was during the dinner rush, so I didn't really get to eat until after 8. Anyways, it was good thing to do, both spiritually and for a good cause. Buinesses donated money and food to the House of Bread for each person who pledged to fast at UD. I don't know how my Muslim friends fast for entire month, one day was hard enough for me. Anyways, night all. I have a research paper to begin.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Update on Daemon

Hey. I just got back from the hospital. Nate and I got to hold Daemon and we took lots of pics. Daemon is sooo cute, and he looks almost exactly like Sess as a baby. (Pics on blog are soon to come). Sess and the baby are doing fine, all though I heard from Sess that if they hadn't have done the c-section when they did... the baby or both of them might not had made it. *scary* But they are doing fine now. Oh, btw, I looked at his stat card and he was born at 4:34 PM. More later. Bye. (Diamond-dog, his best friend, and I are going out to Red Lobster for all you can eat shrimp. >^.^<)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Daemon is here!!!

Yay! Sess had her baby today. Daemon was born today at ???. He is 8 pounds even and 20 inches long with brown hair and blue eyes. They has to do a c-section *scary*, but everyone is doing fine now. *yawn* I am so tired, I can only imagine what it was like for Sess. I the call from Sess's boyfriend that her water broke and Diamond-dog and I went straight to the hospital from work. (That was 11:30PM yesterday...and we haven't had any sleep to speak of since friday night.) *rubs eyes and yawns* Well, more to come. Later ya'll.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Camping, 1st Place Bot and Decisions

Yay! Life has been pretty good these past few days. Last weekend, Pixy, her family and I all went camping. Hehe... nothing like camping in the back of a truck with my laptop and an electric heater. The only down side was that I had to finish a paper for English (Which I scored a 97% on). During the day we went to the Festival of Leaves and at night we sat by the fire and made smores and warmed up in the truck when it got too cold. >^.^< Anyways, I got Diamond-Dog a rotating light thingy for his cystal thingy that I got him a while back. (He was mesmerized by it.. hehe) And Pixy and I both got link charm bracelets for ourselves. (Mine says: I (heart) my boyfriend, Nate, Best Frind, Rena, I (heart) to read, and +Godmother.) Sorry Sess... I looked for your name, but they didn't have it. As soon as I find one, I will add it next to best friend. Speaking of Sess... the baby shower is today. Can't wait. I hope Sess likes her gifts from Diamond-dog and me. [Edit: Sorry. I was mistaken. Sess's baby shower was not today. She said it's on Sunday Oct. 29... which doesn't make any sense at all... so I'll get back to you all about that]

EGR 101 (Engineering design) was awsome today. We raced our line following robot against the other teams. It was so much fun. And... we took FIRST PLACE! We had a two lap total of *looks for notebook* well... I can't find my notebook, but we left all the other teams in the dust. Our total time was about 111 sec. and the team that was closest to us had about a 200 sec. total time. Hehe, we won 100 pieces of assorted candy (whoppers, kitkats and hersey bars) Yes, of course we shared with everyone. Well, I have notes to take in Chem. and English and Math homework to do. Later.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Dad got some free tickets to Elizabethtown (a pre showing). I had never even heard of it and when I watched the trailer, it sucked. We went to see it (We= Dad, Nate, Na`na`, Sessome, Pegy, Catherine, and me), and it was surprisingly good. I definitely reccomend it to everyone out there who hasn't seen it yet.

Hehe, we stayed up past 4 AM.... *yawn* Okay... actaully I slept past 11 so I'm not really tired. *looks at clock* But I do need to take na`na` home soon cause she has work and I have a chiro appointment. *sigh* I really wish my neck would get fixed already and stop bugging me.

*sighs* I hate homework. I've almost finished my mid-term paper for religion. (It's due tomorrow). I still need to type my English paper on 3 of Billy Collins' poems with the same theme. I choose Death of course. Those poems don't seem to be as bad as the others.

*leans over laptop* Ow... I hate cramps... *sigh* Well, g2g. Things to do.

Baby Names for Sess-chan

Okay... I'm straightning out once and for all how to spell the name for Sess's baby.

Daemon: 1) is latin for demon 2) is greek for guardian spirit

Also, some other names that are close in spelling, but not in meaning are:

is Greek and means tamer, divinve power, fate

is Greek and means sweet and harmless

Damon: 1) is Greek and means constant and loyal 2) is Anglo Saxon and was a day of the week

Daimen: is Greek and means gentle, to tame

Daimon: is Greek and means gentle, to tame

I hope this helps ease the confusion. Love and kisses Ohne-chan. (sister)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

School, Work. Camping.

Okay... Na`na` finally talked me into taking an ENTIRE weekend off of work so that we can go camping. (14th 15th and 16th). Plus I already have Monday and Tuesday off that week b/c of midterm break, so Nate and I will get to have some time together too. >^.^< *looks at homework* I hate math... or least my math homework. It's 10 times harder than anything we do it class, including exams. I busted my ass for the 1st one and got an 80%. The teacher hasn't handed back the the 2nd one yet and I'm work on the 3rd. Calc. 2 and 3 students have problems with this shit, so how the hell am I supposed to do it?

*takes deep breath* Ok, I feel a little better now. I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. I don't get much free time between 18 credit hours of school and 20+ hours of work.