Thursday, December 22, 2005

Freedom Feels Damn Good >^.^<

The past couple of days have been great! On Tuesday, Diamond and I went out to P.F. Changs for Linner (it was 3ish). It was my treat since I had some extra cash on me. (I got a $54 tip out from work. That was more than $11 an hour!) That evening we went to Schuster to see the Nutcraker. Second row seats! Hehe, was really cool, especailly since I had never seen it before. Oh, and Diamond got a new electronic drum set so we've been playing Drum Mania on the computer. SO cool! Hehe, it's been nice to been able to see my friends again. Na`na` spent the night last night, and we did some shopping. Today, I went to the reunion... yeah, I know, I was not going to go, but the reason why I was not going to go is still down south. It was nice to meet Shilo and some of my old friends. (Unfortunately, Lee only showed up for 5 min, and was gone before I met up with everyone.) Also, I saw some people from band too. Oh, Diamond and I also donated blood today before the reunion... and still played DDR at the mall. Lol, I'm not sure if we're insane or not. I got through the first song, but I wasn't doing my best by the 2nd and 3rd... -_- I was trying to show off, oh well. *look at Diamond* I'm going to try to pry him away from his computer so that I play some more Drum Mania. >^.^

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Finals: Week of Hell and Misery

It's the lovely time of the semester, FINALS! I had my religion final yesterday and my Chem Lab today today at 8AM. Tomorrow, it's a whole day of study. Thurs, is my Chem final and Friday is my Calc final. At least they go in order from easiest to hardest. *Sigh* I just got done with over 4 hours of constant studying, (Enthalpy, Bomb calorimetry, and electron configurations for those of you who are nosy), and now my headache is even worse than when I started. So if I'm bitchy and tired, this is why. later all.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

9 Things I Hate about Everyone...

Thanks to Na`na`, she Forward to me. I thought I'd share it with you all and kill two birds with one stone. (Give you a few laughs and keep y'all off my ass for not posting) The word is italics are my own additions. Enjoy.

9 Things I Hate About Everyone

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

(lol, that would be funny to see...)

2. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

(lol, gotta love America, the land of the fat and lazy.)

3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

(mmm... cake...*stomach growls)

4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they? Gonna Kick their asses!

(lol... I'm still looking cause I never find anything around here)

5. When people say while watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.

(or makeout depending on who I'm with...)

6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

(Just answer that they already did!)

7. When something is 'new and improved!'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.

(Don't buy it if they falsely advertised!)

8. When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

(Easy. Die)

9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?

(You never can tell with some people...)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Harry Potter IV, Riverdance, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and lack of time

Okay... *takes deep breath* I have a lot to update everyone on. First. There is Harry Potter IV. Unfortunately, Na`na` was unable to join us, but Sess, Nate, my family, and a couple co-workers were all able to come. IF I had not read the book, I would be tempted to scream that it was the most awsome movie that I have ever seen.... but... I have read the book.... and in some ways I am left dissappointed because of all the details that were left out going from book to movie.... overall, still a great movie, but I think they could have put more detail into it.

Wednesday, Nate and I had the evening together... (We were suppose to have the whole day, but Nate had to work... otherwise he wouldn't get his holiday pay.) So... evening come... Nate comes home... and nothing happens... I start getting edgy and bitchy and all and finally, Nate and I go out. We stopped at Chipole (the one in Dayton... which sucks) and had burritos with running disgusting sour cream. I was really beginning to think the whole day was just going to go the hell.... but then Nate surprised me by taking me to see Riverdance at the Schuster Center. >^.^< I miss music. College has seriously music deprived me.

Thankgiving was okay. The food was great, though I was still sick and didn't help out much because I felt so bad. After eating I promtly fell asleep on the floor of the rec room. Nate didn't wake me. (We were supposed to go to his house and see his family for Thanksgiving too) He said he didn't because I sick... grrr.... I wish he could have been a little selfish in that case. I don't want to keep him from his family and I did -_-

Black Friday... yes... it is as omnious as it sounds... At 4:40AM Nate and I stood at the end of the line for Curcuit City, which was half way around the building at the time. Wow... lots of people... it was the first time I even left the house on Black Friday... let alone shop. On the bright side, after we all piled in and I got squised between the MP3 player mass of people, I found a $20 MP3 CD player and a 512 KB jump drive, which is $15 after rebate (which I did mail out... in two enveloped... one for $10 and the other for $15... they make it so complicated... it horrible). Nate got his mom a digital camera and 6 memory card things... 5 for his PSP and one for his mom's camera. We got out of there around 6:30, picked up some food at McDonalds, ate and watched CSI at home and went back to bed. At 4PM I had work... at the mall. ekk... so... many.... people.... that was a Looooonnnnng day.

Sorry this post was so long in coming out. I've been extremely busy with school, work, and everything in general.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

*sniffle sniffle cough cough*

I hate being sick... which what I've been since last Tuesday. I got rained on Monday (not sure if it was the cause or not) but since after that I've felt like shit and have coughing and hacking nonstop. School and work have both sucked more that usual b/c I haven't been getting that much sleep at night. (Got sleep after 3:30 and got up at 9 today) *coughs* Ugh... Na`na` is coming over any sec now and Diamond should be home round 8, 8:30. *smiles* OH btw, Diamond got I LOVE KATAMARI! >^.^< It's the second part to Katamari Damacy. If you're not familar with the game, I'll explain it to you. You are a prince, your dad is the ruler of the cosmos, and you have a ball like thing called a katamari. You roll your katamari around and everything sticks to it. The bigger you get... the bigger the stuf you can collect (ex: buttons to sweets to socks to small children to sumo guys to houses to islands..... you get the picture) You either have to grow to a certain size within a certain time or collect so many objects within a certain time. At the end, your katamari gets thrown up into the cosmos and turns into a planet or satalite (Or a star if you're playing part 1). Oh, and they get funny names depending on what type of stuff you collect. *cough cough sniffle sniffle* Well, I'm gonna go now. Later.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Women aren't that hard to understand.... are we?


Gentlemen: A few tips for you.
Ladies: Stand by to explain them.

This is the word we use at the end of any argument that we feel we are right about but need to shut you up. Never use "Fine" to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments.

This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade.

This means something and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with a huffy "Fine."

GO AHEAD (with raised eyebrows)
This is a dare, one that will result in my getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine."

GO AHEAD (normal eyebrows)
This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care." You will get a raised-eyebrow "Go ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine", and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.

This is not actually a word, but is still often a verbal statement very misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing."

Again, not a word, but a verbal statement. "Soft Sighs" are one of the few things that some men actually understand. She is content. Your best bet is to not move or breathe, and she will stay content.

This exclamation, followed by any statement, is trouble. Example: "Oh, let me get that." Or, "Oh, I talked to him about what you were doing last night." If she says "Oh" before a statement, RUN, do not walk, to the nearest exit. She will tell you that she is "Fine" when she is done tossing your clothes out the window, but do not expect her to talk to you for at least two days. "Oh" as the lead to a sentence usually signifies that you are caught in a lie. Do not try to lie more to get out of it, or you will get raised eyebrows and "Go ahead" followed by acts so unspeakable that we can't bring ourselves to write about them.

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can say to a man. "That's OK" means that she wants to think long and hard before paying you retributions for whatever it is that you have done. "That's OK" is often used with the word "Fine" and used in conjunction with a raised-eyebrow "Go ahead." At some point in the near future when she has plotted and planned, you are going to be in some mighty big trouble.

This is not a statement; it is an offer. A woman is giving you the chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance to tell the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's OK."

A woman is thanking you. Do not faint; just say, "You're welcome."

This is much different from "Thanks." A woman will say, "Thanks A LOT," when she is really ticked off at you. It signifies that you have hurt her in some callous way, and will be followed by the "Loud Sigh." Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the "Loud Sigh," as she will only say "Nothing."

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.


See? That wasn't too confusing. If only every guy would read this so that they would understand us. >^.^<

Thursday, November 10, 2005

An F??? WTF?

So an interesting thing happened concerning my EGR 101 (Engineering design) class yesterday/today. WOW... it's a lot to take in. As it turns out, what we had in our second assignment was what he wanted for this assignment... I still think the assignment sheet was unclear. Of course, I was the last to know about of this. I didn't find out until class today. Still, it's a bit messed up.....

Comments on Requirements Analysis for System of Systems

The Quarry Challenge Project

EGR 101, Section 02

FA 05

9 Nov 05

Team Power Wheels and Styx

Grade for this interim assignment: F

Resubmit as soon as you can, to get helpful guidance

to get you back on track and on to the next assignment.

1. This is such a “We don’t care” submission that I am worried that your team may not make it past the first stages of “Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing”. What’s going on with you that you could think this is appropriate work?

2. You are expected to provide a narrative (not one PowerPoint chart of words), as a first attempt at what would be the first section of your final technical report. In this way, over the coming weeks, you will be learning the design process while also progressively completing the report in stages.

-- Power point charts should not be densely packed text in the form of complete sentences.

-- Narrative for a technical report should be in 12-pitch font, much like any other college-level term paper submission, but with title page/name of class/name of teams and team members/class name and section/date. Pages should be numbered. Margins should be reasonable. In final version, you’ll want to make proper reference to the Challenge Problem (CP) Statement as Appendix 1 to your report, and will want to refer to your diagram as a numbered, captioned figure in the report. You’ll want to amend the Appendix, or add another called Appendix 2, with the clarifying Q&As that will continue to appear over time. Narrative should somewhere say the system consists of a Sorter, Hauler, Headquarters and Communications Tower.

3. Go back and read the assignment, and try again, resubmitting as soon as you are ready, so I can give you timely feedback so you can move on to the next step. See also the chicken coop assigned reading from earlier this term. While you are not expected to go crazy with numerical breakouts of values for each requirement, or to create infinite levels, you’ll find that there is a rich amount of requirements that you should be discussing and understanding. The diagram will help you discover how these things relate, and will help communicate whether your team understands, and agrees, on what the system must be able to do.

4. Your diagram represents all of 15 seconds of work, in my opinion. Go back and give it an honest try.

5. Consider addressing in your narrative, and including in your diagram, such system level requirements as:

a. sizing requirements – system needs to be sized to hold sufficient boulders for the job, both in fixed location and in transit

b. requirement to navigate – line following and sensing proximity to key points (not the specific types of sensors… that’s for later, when you get into various solution options)

c. requirement to manipulate boulders individually and deliver them to precise locations.

d. time restriction – a fairly easy requirement, but worthy of mention.

e. system must interoperate. At the next level down, you might want to address the two key areas of interoperation: communication, and transfer of boulders.

f. system must operate without intervention: reliability is key.

6. Please provide a reasonably short team name by the end of the next class.

7. I am available if you really don’t get it yet. But my bet is that this was tossed off by one of your team at the last minute, and that the others either didn’t see it, or saw it and just didn’t speak up. Signs of a team in trouble.

8. Don’t lose heart. Each time you complete one of these iterative assignments, you will be further along toward completing the technical report, and as you see the report progress, along with your design, you will feel more confident about where you are going, and about your ability to complete the job.

Fist, one of my teammates, responded with the following:


Response to Concerns on Analysis of System of Systems

The Quarry Challenge Project

EGR 101, Section 02

FA 05

Teams Power Wheels and Styx

9 Nov 05

Dr. Herrelko,

Your comments are both civil and appreciated, and the opportunity to allow us to resubmit our assignment is generous.

However, it appears that there has been both a miscommunication and misunderstanding of the requirements for this particular assignment.

Upon our initial attempt to construct an appropriate diagram and narrative, our team briefly consulted with you, as well as Ashish Godbole, about the definition of top-level specifications and what constitutes and appropriate sub-level. Apparently, it was at this point that a miscommunication was made, as the group of four team members designated to actually write out this assignment arrived at the impression that the key top-level specification was that which was listed on the problem sheet, that is, to create a system of systems that accomplished multiple goals, and from there the appropriate sublevels would be accurate descriptions of what each subsystem needed to accomplish. From this perspective, all of our notes about specifics that we have taken would be interpreted as Functional Specifications (Suggestions listed by you in 5. of your comments), and therefore would be submitted in the next assignment. Our progress on the next assignment will be listed at the end of these comments for your consideration.

Indeed, the diagram was sparse, however upon our interpretation of the top-level requirements left little to be diagramed, and it was intended to be amended with our Functional Specifications falling below each subsystem in the next assignment. However, it appears from your comments that these things should be included within this assignment.

Additionally, while diagramming our specifications, it was our belief that that visual aide was the main goal of the assignment, and not the narrative, which we interpreted to be in essence the diagram spelled out in words. Naturally then, PowerPoint was chosen to be the communications tool of choice. Now that we have a better concept of what is desired from a narrative, and can be reworked, reformatted, and resubmitted. Mr. Godbole asked me about our format, alluding that it was different than others submitted, and I kindly asked him that if you would like it reformatted, simply ask. You have asked, and indeed we will.

A new team name will be created.

I want to make it very clear that we in no way were attempting to “blow off” this assignment, as your perception may be inferred by your comments. Quite the contrary, we believed this assignment was merely a stepping stone for the assignment due on Tuesday, and that an assignment of this nature was meant to be general as a preparation for the specific. I speak for the team in saying that we would be quite offended to be perceived as lacking respect for the design process, because we have already taken great pains to brainstorm, conceptualize, and log our progress. I hope that this misunderstanding can be quickly resolved, and that our progress in the course can quickly fall back on track.


Andrew Fist

NEP, MEE Student

BELOW: Notes from log to potentially be added to current assignment / next assignment

Functional Specifications

Teams Power Wheels and Styx

15 Nov 05


  • Needs to use light sensors to distinguish between blue and yellow Nonos
  • Needs to be able to sense each Nono one at a time
  • Needs to count and sort blue and yellow Nono in to separate bins
  • Needs to be able to receive instructions for the Hauler
  • Needs to deliver the specified color and number of Nono to the Hauler


  • Needs to be able to receive instructions from the tower/builders
  • Needs to navigate the 3 foot long and 2 inch wide road
  • Needs to communicate with the sorter
  • Needs to be able to collect the correct amount of blue and yellow Nonos from the Sorter
  • Needs to transport the cargo from the collector to the barge
  • Needs to be able to determine whether it is at the collector or barge
  • Needs to be able to repeat all of above if more that one trip is needed
  • Needs to be able to interact with Barge (12” wide, 2” high, 8” deep) in a manner that permits Hauler to move cargo from its bin to the Barge

Which my teacher, Dr. Herrelko responed with:

thanks for this response, which I understand is an interim response

this team is the only one to be so far off the mark... be sure you review the assignment on the back of the Challenge Problem Statement, and the additional notes in the Q&A provided by email on 3 Nov, as well as my email sent this evening

if your team has worked in detail to think this through, as it appears you have, it should be a quick job to generate an improved submission, which I'll be glad to review


Lol... did you really read everything? (or did you just scroll down here?) Anyways, I'm posting this here more for my record than for y'all, though if you have any questions about my project, I'll be happy to share some answers. Later everyone.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Near Burnout from college

Grr.... I'm getting so frustated with my homework. I have the hardest f*cking calc. teacher here who gives homework that takes a senior math major to solve... who happens to Matt. Of course, Matt is only available at the Monday and Wednesday help sessions and, of course, he was sick yesterday. So I'm screwed. I have four out of six problems done (And they have taken me over 6 hours to complete) but it's due tomorrow at 1PM and the help session isn't until 5... that is, if Matt happens to be there. ^$*@&$^*&@^$*@ <----- that's how I feel. Plus, I have 40 pages of reading for English tomorrow and ~15 more pages for Religion. Plus I have two papers for religion that are due soon, a research paper for English, and I had a Chem test yesterday and a math quiz, and I have a Communication quiz tomorrow, and I have to figure out how to make a dispenser for Nonos (peanuts M&M's) for my Engineering design class, and I did I mention that math homework? *sigh* Plus, X-mas is just around the corner which means longer hours at work (and more $, but A LOT more stress). *looks at schedule* 4-10ish Fri, 4-10ish Sat, and 4-10ish Sun. Yep, that's my weekend... well, that and types papers. Hooray for humanities. Oh yeah, and on the bright side.... I have the last f*cking slot for class sign ups!!!! In other words, any class taught by a teacher worth taking will be filled up by the time I get to select my classes. Lucky me huh? I probably be stuck with the same math teacher next semester too. *shivers at the thought* Anyways, there is hope... well... not really, but I do get to see Harry Potter IV in two weeks. >^.^< Yep... well, that's about all. I guess I'll go back to work now that I've vented a bit.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

No one cares...

Well, since none of you have even bothered to comment about my actual posts, I'm not sure why I'm even writing this. You may have noticed that I recent updated the layout of my blog with little... okay... I mean a lot of help from Diamond. (Thank you!!!) Anyways, I would like to remind everyone that this blog, like it or not, is suppose to be about me. I'm not being egotistical, but it does happen to be my blog. This isn't a boxing arena for all ya'll's fights. You can pick a fight with me on my blog if you must, but please try to refrain from tearing out each other's throats. In addition, an occasional comment about my posts would be nice once and in while. I make an effort to post something here a couple times a week damnit. I have a busy life... I would even venture to say that it's a lot busier than most of your lives. If none of ya'll are reading this, please let me know and I'll stop wasting my time. Thank you.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

A Feline

No on bothered to comment on the last post... maybe ya'll will like this one better...


The Feline:

The Feline is the symbol for Independence. You
have a soul of a Cat inside you, which reflects
a sensitive and independant behavior.

Strengths: Normal routines are common in this
lifestyle as the Feline doesn't enjoy being
brought upon something new because of this calm
nature. The Feline is never really seen with
many friends because of the indepenence it
takes. A high awareness, overly observant, is
also common. Some may call you an outcast at
times, but you always seem to fit in wherever
you are needed.

Flip Side: The past is like the present for you.
The memories of long ago, good and bad, haunt
your mind, and regret is always on the fringes
of your thoughts. You can be very sensitive and
shy when it comes to certain topics, and even
around people.

Congratulations! You have a Cat inside!

pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen

What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, November 03, 2005

All about me...

Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?:Lynne Skysong
Height?:6' 1''
Weight?:170 lbs
Birthday?:April 1, 1987
Birthplace?:Biloxi, Miss on the military base
Current Location?:Freezing cold Ohio
School/Grade?:Freshman in college
Zodiac Sign?:Aries
Chinese Zodiac Sign?:Rabbit (Aren't my signs so ironic?)
Righty or Lefty?:Righty when writing. Lefty for just about everything else (hockey, baseball, golf, etc.)
Haircolor?:brown with natural blonde and red highlights
Eyecolor?:brown.... black when I'm angry (Or so I've heard)
Skin Color?:pale... the color that burns and peels in the summer
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?:Dad, my boyfriend, and I live under the same roof. Mom is in SC and we don't talk much since I decided to go to college in Ohio
Any Pets?:used to have a lot... now I only have 3
If So What Are They?:dogs
Favorite Relative?:So many... I guess it would have to be my dad. It was his idea to move my boyfriend into our house >^.^<
Least Favorite Relative?:My moth.... I mean... someone who live in SC.
What's Your Heritage/Race?:White: part Irish, Polish, Prussian, and a myraid of other European nationalities plus I'm 1/16 Native American
Political Affilation?:Libertarian... kinda sort of... I aggree with them the most anyways
Love & Sex
Are You In A Relationship Now?:Yep
If So, With Whom?:Diamond-dog
For How Long?:About 1 year 1 month 28 days
Are You In Love?:Yes
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?:Nope
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?:Hmm... well, there was this one time, at band, j/k
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?:15
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?:too young.... 16
Was It Enjoyable?:Not really
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?:*cough* see above
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?:neck and ears
Best Love Quote?:Love is best expressed without words.
Your Friends
Best?:Sessome and Pixy
How Many Do You Have?:hmm... hard question. I've lost contact with most of my friends from high school. Plus, there are other issues. I have enough friends... and then some, just to annoy me ;-)
More Guys Or Girls?:about even I guess
Love Them All?:The ones that I've known for quite a while: most All others:I haven't known them long enough
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?:Yes
Oldest?:hmm.... Brittany. I've known her since kindergarden, but we haven't talked since graduation.
Pen Pal?:Who comunicates by snail mail anymore these days?!
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Heart:broken once, but now healed
Bread:FOOD!!! (Sorry... today I'm fasting... a first for me and it's hard)<--- Well, I was the day I actually took this thing. I'm a little late in actually posting it.
Insane:maybe... but life is more fun this way
Sunglasses:shades of noir
Pimp:no fashion sense
Cross:don't cross me or my friends
Lonely:Not anymore
Car:My ford escort (I want a truck... but how could I ever afford the gas?)
Music:80's Rule!
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?:doesn't matter
Thongs or G-Strings?:Neither, I hate wedgies
Shorts or Pants?:Pants... with cargo pocket
Shoes or Barefeet?:barefeet (even though mine get cold)
Books or Movies?:both
Night or Day?:night
Dark or Light?:dark
Mountains or Beach?:Mountains
Snow or Sun?:SUN! (need.... warmth... so... cold....)
Pepsi or Coke?:Pepsi products... especially Mountain Dew
Guys or Girls?:Guys
Swim or Surf?:Swim
For or Against
Gay Marriage?:for
Abortion?:for, though I would never have one
Bush Getting Re-elected?:against? Kinda depends on who is the lesser evil
Suicide?:against (grow up and live your life!)
War?:for, when it is justified
Pants?:for... for most *grins evily at Diamond-dog*
Clothes In General?:For... For most *grins evily at Diamond-dog*
Penises?:O_o umm.... yes for one in particular. Yes overall I supose or we would all die out
Holiday?:Summer Holiday (no school)
Season?:Summer (when it's warm)
Movie?:Recently... Elizabethtown (Harry Potter comes out soon!!!)
Book?:Many. Harry Potter, manga, Pixy's romance novels, Ender's Shadow, The Stand, and more
Magazine?:I don't read any
Food?:Meat. (Steak, ribs, chicken, pork, etc)
Drink?:Mountain Dew
TV Show?:Inu Yasha, CSI, Everwood, Lost, and a few other
Song?:Many. My December -Linkin Park is one
Band?:Many Linkin park is one
Computer Game?:Step Mania
Video Game?:Crono Cross (Which reminds me... I still need to beat that game)
Anime/Manga?:LOTS AND LOTS! ROD, Inu Yasha, Love Hina, and... *rambles on*
Shirt?:Comfortable... Currently the most comfortable one is the one I stole from my boyfriend. It say "I wish I could contral alt delete you"
Pants?:long, comfy, and with cargo pockets
Actor?:don't care
Actress?:don't care
Singer?:Can't remember their names
Flower?:Rose (Particully the purple ones I recieved on my one year anniversity)
Animal?:Snakes and cats
Cookie?:chocolate... mmmm
The Future
Want To Go To College?:*looks around the lounge at UD* Already here.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?:Not sure. My major is Chemical Engineering
Want To Get Married?:yes
Want To Have Kids?:yes
What Would Their Names Be?:haven't decided yet
How Many?:at least 2 (I need the break the only child curse)
Where Do You Want To Live?:somewhere warm... by the mountains would be nice
Where Do You Want To Get Married?:Kyoto
How Do You Want To Die?:Peacefully after acheiving something great in my life
More Stuff About You
Piercings?:one in each ear (did have two a couple years back, but they were always infected so I let them close up)
Tattoos?:Not yet, though Sess, Pixy and I are planning the get the japanese symbol for sister
Smoke?:Never, not even once
Drink?:Once in a great while
Do Drugs?:Does caffine count? If not, then no
Skinny Dip?:Never have
Greatest Fear?:failing
Chocolate or Vanilla?:chocolate... and strawberry
Go To Church?:I have... it's been a while though
Scars?:lots, though most are small
CDs Owned?:A good number... counting the one's that I've burned... not many if I don't count the burned ones
Collections?:Beanie babies (about 40 or so)
Like To Be Naked?:Most of the time... no, although I have made exceptions. *evil grin*
Ever Eaten Sushi?:Yep. A few different kinds. The best so far was the one with the fried shrimp
An Entire Case Of Oreos?:came close once
Been On Stage?:Yep... *remember the old days of high school and band... and drama club... and graduation... and...)
Danced In The Rain?:A few times
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?:Yes, but not in a sexual manner
Weirdest Dream?:Many
Best Dream?:Marrying the one I love, having a couple kids, and living a productive life creating this to help humanity
Saddest Dream?:Many
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?:See "best dream"
Think You're Attractive?:Not really, but I know someone who does *glares at Diamond-dog*
Shoplifted?:Once when I was seven. It was a pack of gum
Been Caught "Doing Something"?:Unfortunately... yes
Weirdest Makeout Place?:Sess's bed
Like Thunderstorms?:sometimes
Favorite Shoes?:my DDR tennis shoes
Favorite Quote?:"If at first you don't succed, then skydiving isn't for you"
Best Advice Given?:Forgive but never forget
Worst Advice Given?:Don't remember... guess it was really bad
Favorite Song Lyric?:Many many lyrics... and not enough time to name them
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?:Don't know of one.
Glad This Is Over?:Not really... now it's time to go and home and get ready for work" title="Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You">Take this survey |" title="Bzoink Surveys">Find more surveys
You've been totally" title="Bzoink">Bzoink*d

Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween!!!!!!!!! Boo!

Hehe. I stay up past midnight last night sewing fur onto two sets of ears. One sets of fox ears for my foxy boyfriend and one set of wolf ears for me. (I ended up stabbing myself several time b/c I was getting really tired by the time I was working on my own ears.) They go perfectly with our tails that we got from the renisance festival. *looks around* I have seen only one other person at this school that is dressed up (Souha, she's a cat) I found out that they had their halloween party on Saturday. Still, IT"S HALLOWEEN TODAY. *shakes head* I just don't get some people. Hehe, I can't wait till later tonight when Pixy and I go out trick or treating. (We're escort the little ones, so don't look at me werid. The parents are bound to give us sympathy candy.)

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Okay, so yesterday, I participated in the Fast-a-thon. I've never fasted before, and it wasn't easy. (FYI: fasting means no food or water from sunrise to sunset.) I had to get up before 6:45AM so that I could eat something. Then, I had school and after that I had work. I was allowed to eat after 6:45PM, but that was during the dinner rush, so I didn't really get to eat until after 8. Anyways, it was good thing to do, both spiritually and for a good cause. Buinesses donated money and food to the House of Bread for each person who pledged to fast at UD. I don't know how my Muslim friends fast for entire month, one day was hard enough for me. Anyways, night all. I have a research paper to begin.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Update on Daemon

Hey. I just got back from the hospital. Nate and I got to hold Daemon and we took lots of pics. Daemon is sooo cute, and he looks almost exactly like Sess as a baby. (Pics on blog are soon to come). Sess and the baby are doing fine, all though I heard from Sess that if they hadn't have done the c-section when they did... the baby or both of them might not had made it. *scary* But they are doing fine now. Oh, btw, I looked at his stat card and he was born at 4:34 PM. More later. Bye. (Diamond-dog, his best friend, and I are going out to Red Lobster for all you can eat shrimp. >^.^<)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Daemon is here!!!

Yay! Sess had her baby today. Daemon was born today at ???. He is 8 pounds even and 20 inches long with brown hair and blue eyes. They has to do a c-section *scary*, but everyone is doing fine now. *yawn* I am so tired, I can only imagine what it was like for Sess. I the call from Sess's boyfriend that her water broke and Diamond-dog and I went straight to the hospital from work. (That was 11:30PM yesterday...and we haven't had any sleep to speak of since friday night.) *rubs eyes and yawns* Well, more to come. Later ya'll.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Camping, 1st Place Bot and Decisions

Yay! Life has been pretty good these past few days. Last weekend, Pixy, her family and I all went camping. Hehe... nothing like camping in the back of a truck with my laptop and an electric heater. The only down side was that I had to finish a paper for English (Which I scored a 97% on). During the day we went to the Festival of Leaves and at night we sat by the fire and made smores and warmed up in the truck when it got too cold. >^.^< Anyways, I got Diamond-Dog a rotating light thingy for his cystal thingy that I got him a while back. (He was mesmerized by it.. hehe) And Pixy and I both got link charm bracelets for ourselves. (Mine says: I (heart) my boyfriend, Nate, Best Frind, Rena, I (heart) to read, and +Godmother.) Sorry Sess... I looked for your name, but they didn't have it. As soon as I find one, I will add it next to best friend. Speaking of Sess... the baby shower is today. Can't wait. I hope Sess likes her gifts from Diamond-dog and me. [Edit: Sorry. I was mistaken. Sess's baby shower was not today. She said it's on Sunday Oct. 29... which doesn't make any sense at all... so I'll get back to you all about that]

EGR 101 (Engineering design) was awsome today. We raced our line following robot against the other teams. It was so much fun. And... we took FIRST PLACE! We had a two lap total of *looks for notebook* well... I can't find my notebook, but we left all the other teams in the dust. Our total time was about 111 sec. and the team that was closest to us had about a 200 sec. total time. Hehe, we won 100 pieces of assorted candy (whoppers, kitkats and hersey bars) Yes, of course we shared with everyone. Well, I have notes to take in Chem. and English and Math homework to do. Later.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Dad got some free tickets to Elizabethtown (a pre showing). I had never even heard of it and when I watched the trailer, it sucked. We went to see it (We= Dad, Nate, Na`na`, Sessome, Pegy, Catherine, and me), and it was surprisingly good. I definitely reccomend it to everyone out there who hasn't seen it yet.

Hehe, we stayed up past 4 AM.... *yawn* Okay... actaully I slept past 11 so I'm not really tired. *looks at clock* But I do need to take na`na` home soon cause she has work and I have a chiro appointment. *sigh* I really wish my neck would get fixed already and stop bugging me.

*sighs* I hate homework. I've almost finished my mid-term paper for religion. (It's due tomorrow). I still need to type my English paper on 3 of Billy Collins' poems with the same theme. I choose Death of course. Those poems don't seem to be as bad as the others.

*leans over laptop* Ow... I hate cramps... *sigh* Well, g2g. Things to do.

Baby Names for Sess-chan

Okay... I'm straightning out once and for all how to spell the name for Sess's baby.

Daemon: 1) is latin for demon 2) is greek for guardian spirit

Also, some other names that are close in spelling, but not in meaning are:

is Greek and means tamer, divinve power, fate

is Greek and means sweet and harmless

Damon: 1) is Greek and means constant and loyal 2) is Anglo Saxon and was a day of the week

Daimen: is Greek and means gentle, to tame

Daimon: is Greek and means gentle, to tame

I hope this helps ease the confusion. Love and kisses Ohne-chan. (sister)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

School, Work. Camping.

Okay... Na`na` finally talked me into taking an ENTIRE weekend off of work so that we can go camping. (14th 15th and 16th). Plus I already have Monday and Tuesday off that week b/c of midterm break, so Nate and I will get to have some time together too. >^.^< *looks at homework* I hate math... or least my math homework. It's 10 times harder than anything we do it class, including exams. I busted my ass for the 1st one and got an 80%. The teacher hasn't handed back the the 2nd one yet and I'm work on the 3rd. Calc. 2 and 3 students have problems with this shit, so how the hell am I supposed to do it?

*takes deep breath* Ok, I feel a little better now. I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. I don't get much free time between 18 credit hours of school and 20+ hours of work.

Monday, September 05, 2005


Okay... I'm still just as busy as ever, but I said that when I had "time" I would type out the poem that Nate wrote me. (This is the poem that came with the flowers.)

I love you [Lynne]!

I can never forget the day I met you
So cheerful and loving and so beautiful too
My heart skipped a beat as you said hello
When you had to leave I didn't want you to go

It didn't take long to meet family
And much to surprise, they kind of like me
I've grown quite attached to you they can see
I can't wait to see what out future will be

Seconds, minutes, hours, days
And as they go by, I find many more ways
Things about you, that I love so dear
I can't picture our future, without you near

And as you hold your favorite color
Remember you are like no other
Your pretty face, your smile too
Remember dear, that I love you!

-Nate [aka. Diamond-dog]

Aw... isn't he so sweet? I still blush about 9 shades of red when I read it, even with my sunburn.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

1 Year Anniversary!

Yay! Today was Nate and I's 1 year anniversary of the day we met. It was the perfect day. I woke up to a huge bouque of flowers (a purple bouque, my favorite color!) with a poem attached to them! So sweet. Then he gave me a riddle/poem of what we were going to do today. (I've been trying to figure out for the past month almost!)

It's been a whole year
And time has gone fast
By noontime today
We'll visit the past
For dinner we'll eat
in a far away land
And my gift for you
should give you a hand

=^_^= I love you [Lynne]!

Can't figure it out? Neither could I. We went to the Renisance fair, had an awsome time. Drove around and (this wasn't part of the plan) we stopped a garage sale and got a few things (sessome knows of one thing at least). Then we had dinner at Thai 9. Came home. I found a gas card in my backpack. (Whoa... $50, yep, that will certainly give me a hand. Thank you again sweetie.) Finally we ended the day cuddle together on the couch watching a movie. (Coyote Ugly to be specific.)

Good night all, I would type more, but I work tomorrow. Take care Sess, let me know if anything happens. You too Pixy... although it would be for different reasons, lol. Night night.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

First days of college.

Whoa... college can be very, VERY busy, complicated and chaotic for the first few days. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday were the orientation days... lots of meetings and a lot to take in. Monday I had school from 9AM to 9:15 PM. Now, I don't have classes for a solid 12 hours. If they would get rid of the 2 hour break I have EVERY day between Calc. I and my 2nd class, the days would be a lot shorter. Today, Wednesday, I have the usual 2 hour break between 10 and noon, plus my religeon class was canceled, so I had an extra hour there, plus an ADDITIONAL 2 hour break til English. That's 5 hours! I won't get home till 8 b/c of all these stupid breaks between classes. English is at 3 today followed by a 2 hour 45 min. Chem lab. I wish I could have had them earlier so that I could go home the same time Nate and Dad get home. *sigh* Oh well. I'll stop ranting. Later all.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Another day, another dollar

Yay... today after a little over an hour of to-go training I worked as an actual SPG. (It was the first time I did something out of training!) The only thing that sucks though is that they scheduled me for evenings all this week. I'm at home when Nate and Dad are at work, and then I'm at work when they get home... I won't get to see them that much this week :-( .... my feet hurt... and as an SPG, I get to stand all day. Today was slow I got to stand around a lot... which sucks. If I'm moving, time usually moves a little faster, but today it dragged on and on.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Glad people notice

I just read Sessomes's blog today. Here's an excerpt from it:

First off you should know that I am very angry right now, but chances are that I will feel the same way in the morning.

My cat brighteyes is dead ... she died tonight at 9:18pm yowling and gasping for breath. No one would help me get the money to put her down. Even the people whom were half way responsible for her care. So she died right before my eyes. And the fact is is that no one really gives a fuck but me and mom. She was my baby girl that cat was.

And I made the following comment:

"How did brighteyes die on Thurs. night at 9:18pm? I was at you house that night, remember? I was dead tired and I brought a cage over for brighteyes. I'm sorry that I don't have any money, but dammit, I do care. I don't appreciate you saying that no one cares. Sometimes, I don't understand why I even try anymore."

So yeah... I slightly peeved to say the least. I do what I can, even when I don't really feel like it, and then it goes unnoticed. And besides, if Sessome wanted to rant about "the people whom were half way responsible for her care" she should of called Kat, cause she was the previous owner.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

First (real) day on the job

Today went well. I learned how to open and seat and do restroom checks and many other little other things that go along with being a hostess... opps... I mean SPG (smiling people greeter). And yes, I HAVE to smile. It's part of the job. But it's okay. I seem to have people skills that I never knew existed. I can't wait to get off of training and make more than min. wage though... Tomorrow I learn how to close and Sat. I learn how to deal with a hecktic weekend at work. Then they want to train me for to-go... I would rather just stick with one thing or learn the salad bar. (The salad bar involves the least bit of social contact.) *yawns* Well, I'm exhausted. I was up late and up earlier. As soon as I finish laundry I get to go to bed. (yay! Sleep....sle zzz ZZZZZZZZZZZ)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Ugh... don't feel weel...

Ugh... I haven't felt very good today, but I'm about to brave the world as soon as I finish this. (I need to get a new social security card for my new job since we can't find it.) I'll probably finish Harry Potter 6 when I get back. Yay... something to look forward to.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Trainie... yay, that's me

Today I spent my first day at "work" as a trainie. I say "work" b/c all I did was watch a bunch of movies and take two tests. I start the hands on training Wed., so wish me luck! Also, I'm over 2/3 of the way through Harry Potter 6... ooooo... it's sooooo good. I can't wait to finish it. (If any of you tip me off with hints I WILL DELETE YOUR COMMENT... so don't try it!) Anyways, Nate and I are going to C-bus today, so I'll catch ya later.

Friday, July 15, 2005

And the search for a job continues...

I had my very first ever job interview today... and my second ever. The first one was at Kroger for 2nd shift cashier. I'm not crazy about working from 4pm- 12am, but I can start Monday at $6.10 an hour... I'm not exactly crazy about the wages either come to think of it. My second interview was at Ruby Tuesday's. Their pay is confusing. (I can't be a waitress b/c I'm not 19 yet and can't serve alcohol... stupid ass law if you ask me.) As a hostess I would make $3.00 an hour plus tips... um... I'm not sure how I get tips, but supposedly I would make around $6-10 an hour, so it's possibly better than Kroger's.... possibly. I have to go to a 2nd interview at Ruby Tuesday's tommorrow and my boyfriend suggested that I ask the host there what he makes. Then if Ruby wants me, I can make a more educated guess. *sigh*supposedly speedway hires somewhere from $6.25 to $6.50 an hour. Dad picked up an application for me... I wish this whole job thing wasn't so damn confusing.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Another Restless Night...

Another restless night for me... imagine that. *sighs* It can be so frustrating to not be able to sleep. Oh well... guess I'll use this time to update ya'll. Today (tech. yesterday) I grabbed a bunch (like over 15) job applications. Kroger is probably my best bet, though I'm still hoping that one of the bookstores with accept me. (Well... actually... I really want Pepsi to hire me so that I could get somewhere from 10 to 15 an hour, but they aren't hiring) I saw Pixy and her mom on my way to the mall. (which reminds me... I need to call Chris tommorrow...) *brings blanket closer* Brr... it may be summer, but it's freezing in here! Grrr... so bored... Nate is fast asleep... and it's dark outside... everything is closed... what the hell am I suposed to do! *looks at required reading assignment for UD* hmmm.... uh, I'm not that desparate yet... close... but no. I guess I'll go check to DVR. Night all.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Answer to comment...

Sessome wrote: Goddamn you Heather ... UPDATE YOUR FUCKING WEBPAGE!!! or I shall harrass you........ endlessly....... really....... I will.

Well, Sessome... first of all, thank for calling me LYNNE (cough cough) instead of Heater. But anyways, I don't bug you when you don't write in your blog for a week, so don't even start with me.

Also, for anyone else who reads this, feel free to comment because I like knowing that people actually care about what I write in here.

Ok... this past week has been rather interesting. I won't tell ya'll about all of it though... sorry. Anyways... um... I'm working on getting a job at Sam's. Dad, Nate and I went out yesterday and went shoping at Steve and Barry's (everything there was $6 or less!!!) I got 3 pairs of cargo pants, one pair of cargo shorts and a long sleeve shirt with UD on it. Today, I went over to Rena's grandparents farm and ate and had a good time... except that it's that time of the month and I haven't felt very good today. I ended up falling asleep on the couch there, but Rena' did too, so I wasn't too embarrassed. Nate gets to choose where to watch the fireworks since I picked the party to go to, so we're probably going to go up on the roof to watch them or down by the levy. (It's weird... this is the first time in ages that I've been here at my dad's for the fireworks instead of at my mom's. Oh, btw Nate. I don't miss the drinking, ok? )

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's morning.... again

Yep... my sleep schedule is really messed up now. I slept from 9 AM to 3 PM yesterday. If I stay up all day today, that should get my sleep schedule back on track. Haha... well, it's worth a shot. *stomach growls* Hmm... what's breakfast... *wanders into kitchen. opens fridge. looks in fridge. grabs/eats pickle.* Grr... I'm still hungry. *Debates on whether to go to McD's* Maybe when Nate wakes up... *leaves computer to stare at box (TV) in living room*

Monday, June 27, 2005

Wow... is it morning already?

Ever have one of those nights when you can't sleep? I did. I really would've liked to have biked for a good 10-20 miles... that probably would've make it so that I could sleep, but there's something about young women going out alone at night that wouldn't suit well with Dad or Nate... So yeah... I've been wasting my life away on the nets and catching up on my recorded anime shows on TV and it just keeps getting more and more boring. Dad was half asleep when he left for work today... and he had over 6 hours of sleep! I've had none and I'm still wide awake. Ironic, isn't it?

Friday, June 24, 2005

After the concert...

Whoa! That was an awsome concert. I've never been to a massive out door concert. Thankfully, we were close to the stage, but at the edge. That way Nate and I didn't feel confined or claustorphobic or anything. It ended up being the largest ever concert at at that place. Nate played his gameboy during the entire concert, but I think he liked it. Afterwards, we went to Ritters for ice cream (or frozen custard in my case.) The church bus took us, so I didn't have to worry about parking, driving, getting lost, or anything. Well... it's friday night and it isn't even midnight... I better go find something to do. Later.

It's a boy!, christian concert, and nightmares

Hehe... yesterday I found out that Sessome is having a boy. I got to look the pics from the ultrasound and everything! I just hope everything keeps going good.

This evening I'm going to a contemporary christian concert with my FCS friends. Nate won't be joining me though.. *recieves test message* oooo... scratch that. Nate might coming too! A lot of my FCS friends are going. I don't know the artist (well, not by name anyways) but it should be a lot of fun.

Ever have a nightmare that you wake up from and can't go back to sleep for fear of revisting it? Well, I did last night. I almost woke up Nate, but I didn't cause he has to get up for work and I didn't want to bother him. (he, of coure, upon hearing about it later insisted that I should have woken him up) I'm not sure whether to bother ya'll with the details ( 1.) b/c I don't want to bore you and 2.) I don't want to be laughed at ) So I won't. Oh, and didn't involve any ex-boyfriends, so don't get any ideas!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Akward Conversation with Endy...

Endy, my ex boyfriend, called me. It was a bit akward (ok... a lot) talking to him. He wanted Sessome's phone number, which I gave him. I believe he is doing his "brotherly" duty by making sure Sessome is okay and all. He's regained his honor and his responsibility to his friends.*sigh* I want to talk to Nate right now, but he's asleep. It was hard talking to Endy after all this time, but it's nice to know that he's matured quite a bit. He sincerly apologized (again... there was an apology in an e-mail a few months back) and I have forgiven him. I needed this and I hope Nate will understand when he wakes up. I needed to know that I didn't destroy Endy by breaking up with him, and that his heart healed (as did mine). I have moved on, and he seems to be getting his life back together. Honestly, I miss having Endy as a friend back in the times before we went out. But there was a reason I broke up with him and I stand by it. I happy with how my life as turned out in the long run. *sigh* Life can be a b*tch though. I went through a lot to get to this point. No turning back now. It's been quite a night for me. Good night ya'll.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

First of all... if any of you are dad's (or dad's to be), Happy Father's Day. I hope it was a good one for all ya'll. Mine was okay. The food took about two hours where we ate, but it was delicious. Grandma was annoying as ever, but that's to be expected. Also, my stomach was acting up again and I missed out on ice cream later today. *sighs* Oh well. My friend Nichole has a new cell phone and recently dyed her hair, so I've been texting her today. I hope she has a good message plan. *yawns* I know it isn't that late, but it seems like it. I wish I could find my energy. I haven't had much recently. Oh well. Night ya'll.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Ugh.. I hate stomach troubles

Yay... I woke up today feeling like crap. I won't go into details, but it wasn't pretty. After noon, it finally let up enough so that I could go to Nicholes's 16th birthday party and Sami and Heather's grad party. (looooooooooooonnnnnnnnggg day...) Also, the interstate was completely shut down, so I got lost trying to get home. By the time I got home, I was stressed and exhausted. One nap (and one REALLY weird dream later) I woke up feeling better. Nate and I playing toe jam something or other (An old NES game). *yawn* My eye lids still feel heavy. *sigh* The nap didn't help as much as I hoped. Oh well. Night ya'll. OW! *legs still hurt from sunburn*


*gently touches skin and cringes slightly* Ow... Sessome and I went swimming today. It was fun, but the water was freezing because I doubt it even hit 80 degrees today. (So how did I get burned... I'm not sure. I get the sun made up in power to burn where it lacked in heat.) Oh well. At least I'll tan now. (Yay!!! >^.^<) Mmmm... aloe lotion... I love you. And you too Nate. (He rubbed it on my back for me!) *hiccups* Oh, and know I have chronic hiccups. (AGAIN!) *HIC* Nothing cures them anymore. *HIC* They just keep going and going and going... *HIC* I wish I had energy like that. *HIC* Oh well. Night everyone. *HIC!*

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I need sleep

Ever have one of the days/nights that you can't seem to get to sleep. Well, I had one of those. I ended up playing games and doing other mind numbing things, but nothing worked. Finally, I went to bed around 8 AM. And what happens... Sessome calls me at 9 and wakes me up. (I didn't answer) Oh, ya'll should know that it takes me about 45 min to get to sleep. Well... guess what happen around 10? Meg calls again. I answer. Tell her that I'm too tired to drive her anywhere and then leave the phone off the hook and crawl back into bed. Of course what little sleep I attempt is still interupted by my viberating cell phone. *sigh* I am so incredulably tired. Oh, Sessome and Pixy are spending the night... yeah... I know... good bye sleep. Oh well. Good night everyone.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Yay... it's working!

>^.^< yay, I'm so happy. My blog is starting to come together and I found a cool anime cat girl pic. *sighs* I wish my gameboy flash card would work now... stupid thing. The program is screwing up... or the card... or something. Dang it... what does it take to get "cheap" games these days. Now my boyfriend is paranoid. He thinks big brother is watching me. *waves to Lee* <--- hmm... I think since a think of sessome as a sister and she thinks of Lee as a brother.... that works... does it not?

Anyways, I have church tomorrow so I better go to sleep. Well... at least give sleep a chance that is. Good night.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Now the blogger sucks

Oh, great. I actually go to the trouble of posting and they don't show up. I type, I publish, but they aren't there. This probably won't show up either, but it's worth a shot I guess... Nope... it didn't show up. Nothing past "Wanders" shows up. Stupid site...

Gunbound sucks

I doubt most of you out there even know what gunbound is, but I'll rant anyways. It used to be a pretty good game, kinda like worms (wyrms?). But now, the head people decided to create a whole new version of gunbound with even more problems, a crappy layout, and avatar stuff for rental only. In other words, the whole game is going to hell. None of my friends are on anymore (can't blame them). Plus, the avatar off rooms are always full. (People can now rent stuff with powerful stats for little gold or money... they are quite handy in the avatar on rooms.) *sighs* I guess I'll have to either deal with it or just go back to chrono trigger and TFC.


I keep wandering around in my unfamilar blog... I don't know how to even find my profile let along change/edit it. *curls up into ball for a moment* Oh yeah... I've been sick to my stomach lately. That's the problem with being to close to someone whose pregnant... you share some of the same symptoms. *keeps wandering* maybe I'll find something...

Wow... it's been a while...

Hey ya'll. It's been almost a year since I've last posted and a lot has happened. I'm off to college in a couple months. My best friend Sessome is pregnant. I've been dating the love of my life, Nate, for 9 months. Also, I might be starting my first job here soon. I've actually started reading some of my friends blogs, so maybe someone will actually start reading this. I doubt it, but at least now there will be something to read if any of you actually come here. I've had a lot of my mind lately between all the things going on in my life. *lyrics to song come to mind "It sucks to grow up..."* But anyways, maybe I'll bore ya'll with the details later... if there is ever anyone to bore...